Social responsibility

A department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army visited Jian 'an Company

2024-04-01 10:37 Number of readings:

A Chinese People's Liberation Army visited Jian 'an company
Visit and learn

        On the afternoon of March 27, more than 60 people from a department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army visited the company。Company leaders accompanied the visit to the nuclear, chemical and chemical equipment and plant, and carried out an in-depth discussion, a detailed introduction to the chemical defense reconnaissance vehicle, nuclear emergency rescue equipment, drones, robots and other equipment, the two sides on the nuclear chemical defense equipment and technology for full exchange and discussion。Statement by the head of the force,The trip was deeply touching,The company has many types of products,Broad business direction,It can fill the gaps in the equipment of the army in the aspects of nuclear, biochemical, unmanned and intelligent,I hope the company has enough troops,Master troop requirements,Provide more diversified and customized solutions for the troops,Lay a solid foundation for future cooperation。Through this exchange, the company's business is also expected to form a major breakthrough in the strategic support force。